Consumer Insights


Know what retail shoppers are thinking

What do Whole Foods shoppers think about your product compared to Walmart shoppers? Now you’ll know through Social Nature Insights™.

Our consumer-powered data gives you real-time insights at the retail level.


Retail and competitive insights all in one place

Most retail data CPG brands have access to gives you insights on category or sales trends. But they don’t tell you the why behind people’s buying decisions.

Through the Digital Demos sampling campaigns, you’ll get product insights from different retail and competitor shoppers.

  • Understand the consumer
  • Validate product positioning
  • Adjust messaging across audiences
  • Compare against the competition
  • Get data for retailer conversations
  • Spot and address risks with the retail shopping experience
  • Improve or reformulate existing products
  • Inform innovation strategy
  • Flag potential customer inquiries

One powerful dashboard for growing your brand

Social Nature Insights™ puts consumer data into your hands to help you solve problems across your CPG business.


Strengthen your positioning through segmentation

  • Filter by retailer, competitors, custom questions, and more to understand different customer segments.
  • Surface any retailer, regional, and competitive differences.
  • Identify top attributes driving demand and purchase intent for your products.


Win at retailer conversations

  • Show product-market fit for new retail conversations and category reviews.
  • Easily export graphs for your presentations.
  • Add reviews and ratings to your retail pitch decks.


Know what’s happening at the store level

  • Understand the shopper experience
  • Identify merchandising issues and if products were difficult to find


Get product ratings and reviews for your retailers

  • Filter by region, rating, or product variety to surface retail-specific insights in real-time.
  • Understand purchase intent and how you compare to your category.
  • Syndicate your reviews to your own and retailers’ websites


Understand your consumers through member profile data

  • Know who’s interested in your product, where they shop, dietary preferences, health goals, and more.
  • Use the member profile data for creating audiences for digital ads.
  • Refine your messaging to make it more relevant or targeted.


Expand your brand community

  • Build direct relationships and advocacy with consumers who have tried and love your products through email opt-ins.
  • Know the retailer they redeemed your product for retargeting.
  • Easily export and keep track of new and existing consumers.


Inform innovation strategy and product improvements

  • Tap into the consumer’s desire to provide brands with early product testing and feedback.
  • Identify opportunities for packaging changes, product improvements, line extensions, and portfolio optimizations.


Real-time insights all in one place

  • View your sampling campaign insights in real-time.
  • Surface insights early before your campaigns are complete.
  • Compare product performance across different campaigns.
  • Identify which products and campaigns perform best against different retailers and regions.

Data Highlights

Retailer data

Discover insights about retail-specific shoppers from mass market to specialty grocer and convenience stores. Understand where your consumers shop online.

Competitive benchmarking

Understand how your product compares to competitors. Do consumers like your product better? Which brand shoppers are more likely to switch to your product?

Purchase intent

Discover whether consumers will purchase your product again and why.

Propensity to recommend

Understand the percent of people who would recommend your products to others.

Purchase frequency

Discover how often consumers shop your product or category.

Top usage occasions

Analyze your products’ top usage occasions to identify ways to increase units sold.

Demographic data

Filter by age range, gender, and parental status. Discover who shoppers are shopping for.

Geographic data

Filter insights by state and province.

Dietary preferences & restrictions

Discover what types of foods your consumers prefer and what’s excluded from their baskets.

Health goal data

Understand what health and lifestyle goals consumers are trying to achieve and how your products can help.

Consumer Insights

Ready to tap into the minds of retail shoppers?

Speak to a CPG growth strategist today. In our call, we will:

Discuss your key account strategy and goals.

Explore consumer insights you want to surface.

Determine targeting amongst 1,000,000 natural shoppers.

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