Digital Demos


Drive trial at your key natural and conventional retailers

Engage Social Nature’s community of 1,000,000 health and wellness consumers to drive trial and new consumer acquisition for your products at retail.

Capture valuable product and retailer-specific insights across their shopping journey from discovery to purchase, trial, review, and  email opt-ins.

Grow your CPG brand with one shopper marketing solution

Digital Demos hits multiple business objectives without all the cross-functional coordination. We’re like an extension of your team and can help you with one or multiple goals.

Support new retail listings

Digital Demos supports shopper marketing plans so your new listings become shelf success stories.

Derisk new product launches

Drive predictable in-store impact and get real-time consumer feedback to optimize your product while it’s in-flight.

Always-on new customer acquisition

Send thousands of consumers through your retailers’ doors every month to try and buy your products.

Grow in key regions

Geo-target consumers that live within 6-miles of your retailers to support new or lower-performing regions. Or, build demand in regional markets pre-launch!

Increase velocity at key retailers

Generate predictable lift at scale in a short period of time.

Capture real-time consumer feedback

Conduct pre- and post-trial surveys to understand what your consumers really think to achieve product-market fit.

How it works

Consumers apply to try your products

Social Nature members are looking for new better-for-you products for themselves and their families. They apply to try products that align with their health and sustainability goals.

Qualified consumers are invited to sample

They’ll receive a coupon to pick up your product in-store. Redemption rates are higher than traditional couponing programs since members opt-in and already shop at your target stores.

Consumers shop for your product in-store

Your products will be discovered right where they’re sold and taken through the till. Consumers integrate your full-size product into their lifestyle routine.

Consumers share their feedback and reviews in real-time

They’ll fill out a post-trial survey and leave a review. You’ll get data in real-time through the Social Nature Insights dashboard. Use advanced filters to understand purchase intent, and how your product compares against competitors and across retailers.

Syndicate the reviews to your website and third-party retailers to build social proof and SEO.

Consumers opt-in to your brand communications

Members who leave a review can opt-in to your brand mailing list to learn more about your mission and future launches. Our community now becomes your community!


One shopper marketing solution. 3 benefits.

Product Sampling

Digital Demos sampling campaigns offer three different ways to drive trial with consumers: in-store, direct to home, or by setting up an account through your e-commerce.

Consumer Insights

Each Digital Demos sampling campaign captures real-time data into Social Nature Insights dashboard. Filter data to compare your product against competitors, across retailers, and more.

Ratings & Reviews

Amplify your Social Nature reviews across retailers and your own website through Social Nature’s API integrations with the top review platforms.

Our Community

Make Social Nature’s community of conscious shoppers, your community. Read the community profile to understand who they are and how they think and behave.

Social Nature Community Collage


Ready to drive in-store foot traffic and trial?

Speak to a CPG growth strategist today. In our call, we will:

Discuss your key account strategy and goals.

Explore consumer insights you want to surface.

Determine targeting amongst 1,000,000 natural shoppers.

Frequently asked questions

What is a digital demo?

A digital demo is the alternative to in-store demos with better targeting and feedback collection. Social Nature matches your product and audience targeting with shoppers on our platform. Members who are interested in your product will apply to try it. If a member qualifies, they receive a free product voucher to redeem in-store. In exchange, they provide you with their feedback, product rating and review, and email opt-in so you can retarget them on your own channels.

Products redeemed through Digital Demos are rung through store registers and may qualify as a velocity turn.

Who is Digital Demos for?

Digital Demos can be used by all CPG brands! There are different use cases depending on whether you’re at the Early Stage, High Growth, or Established Brand stage.

Do I need to be in a certain amount of stores for Digital Demos to work?

Digital Demos are available for brands with distribution in brick-and-mortar accounts that accept manufacturer’s coupons. We map your distribution to our community of shoppers around your key accounts to determine the volume of sampling available. We typically look for brands with 300+ stores and up and can support key regions of Whole Foods Markets as well.

What is a digital demo?


Community members


Product reviews


Influenced to try natural


CPG brands served