Ocean’s Halo achieves 90% success rate with new product launches using Digital Demos

Impact at a glance

Ocean’s Halo effectively leveraged the Social Nature community of natural product shoppers to generate demand for their new product line: Deep Sea Waters.


consumers applied to try Deep Sea Waters

81% new consumer acquisition

consumers reached that have never tried Ocean’s Halo products


samples delivered


purchase intent


post-trial response rate

8,926 reviews

syndicated to support listings


email opt-in rate

The Challenge

Ocean’s Halo is no stranger to successful product launches. In fact, they launch 5 to 10 new products per year.

Launching a product during COVID-19 was a new challenge with limited traditional shopper marketing programs and decreased traffic at brick-and-mortar retailers.

Ocean’s Halo developed a new functional beverage line, Deep Sea Waters, which had the added complexity of bringing awareness and education to new ingredients. They needed a way to quickly gather consumer feedback on the ingredients and packaging with this new launch.

The Solution

Enter Social Nature’s Digital Demos. Thousands of consumers were sent to a grocery store near them to redeem a free trial coupon for their choice of Ocean’s Halo Deep Sea Waters.

Geotargeting consumers who live near a retailer with the product makes this sampling campaign more cost-effective and impactful at retail than other less targeted tactics.

Campaigns can be customized to send a consistent stream of consumers to stores throughout the launch period rather than all at once.

The power of real-time feedback

Once a consumer tries the product, they are prompted to write a review and fill out a post-trial survey. These reviews are syndicated to the Social Nature platform in real-time, allowing Ocean’s Halo to hear from consumers immediately.

Robert Mock, Founder and CEO of Ocean’s Halo, reads every single review and acts on any trends in feedback, which he attributes to his successful product launches. “Anytime you can generate thousands of reviews in a short period of time you have to learn a lot. Good or bad,” he states.

Ocean’s Halo uses Social Nature’s insights and reviews to inform product decisions, such as changing ingredients, predicting what flavors will be most popular, and updating packaging with the most popular attributes.

Consumer insights on Deep Sea Waters

For Deep Sea Waters, consumers found the variety of flavors most appealing out of the eight product attributes. The electrolytes from the deep sea water came in a close third.

Watermelon Lime and Passion Guava were the two flavors that consumers were most interested in trying, as indicated by the pre-trial survey.

Ocean’s Halo used these insights in their retail sales decks and to inform what product attributes to highlight on their packaging.

Driving repurchase

Over 80% of consumers reported intent to repeat purchase after trying the product. Because consumers were geo-targeted to a store near them, Ocean’s Halo is now part of their grocery shopping routine!

Ocean’s Halo took this Deep Sea Waters sampling opportunity to include a booklet of BOGOs to introduce their new consumers to their entire family of products.

Social Nature also collected email opt-ins for Ocean’s Halo from consumers who tried and reviewed their products. About 44% of consumers who tried Ocean’s Halo’s products have chosen to subscribe to Ocean’s Halo newsletter to receive special offers, recipes, and new product launch information directly from the brand. This direct communication with the consumer allows Ocean’s Halo to stay top of mind year-round.

Partnering for high growth

Ocean’s Halo was in 2,000 stores when they started working with Social Nature in 2018. Now Ocean’s Halo is in over 15,000 stores.

From 2018 to 2021, Social Nature has helped Ocean’s Halo launch 12 new products on the platform.

We love growing and crushing product launches together!

About Ocean’s Halo

Started in 2014, Ocean’s Halo is an organic food and beverage brand based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Its mission is to drive consumption of healthy, organic Asian-ethnic foods in the US and Europe.

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